Bournemouth Stained Glass
Stained Glass Supplies Shop
790 Wimborne Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH9 2DX
01202 514734
If you would like us to contact you and try to arrange to open the shop to sell supplies please email, leave your name/contact details on our answerphone (01202 514734) or ring Elizabeth's mobile phone 07960 985024.
Visit our Shop for supplies of all your stained glass needs. . . (Address, location and contact information)
Looking for a good buy? Check out our Special Offers page or jump straight to it from the links below.
- BACK IN STOCK!! Lead Came Shears
- Looking for a Gas Soldering Iron? We have managed to source a stock of comfortable modern gas irons for use with propane gas and our LOW price is £95.00 including postage/VAT for them.
- We also carry a range of electric soldering irons, including a budget iron for working with small lead panels for £15.50, a basic Weller iron for £30.00 as well as the Weller temperature-controlled irons.
- Special - Oil-fed Supercutters. Don't want to fork out over £20.00 for your new cutter? Prices for our Special offer Supercutters start at only £13.25 + £2.00 p/p/VAT/admin.
- Need a turntable to display your glass nicknacks? Our LED Display Turntables might fill your need.
- Enrolled on an Adult Education Stained Glass course somewhere in the UK? You may be entitled to a discount on purchases from our shop! Click here to view and save and print a copy of our registration form to get completed by your tutor and post to us to qualify.
- A Grinder with 2 BONDED (longer life) diamond grinder heads plus a FREE straight edge guide for ONLY UK pounds xxx.xx0!! SORRY OUT OF STOCK
- Want a 'budget' grinder for under £100.00? how about getting our Kristal 1 grinder. SORRY OUT OF STOCK
- Having problems with sore 'Grinder's fingers' or finding small pieces of glass flick out of your grasp when grinding them to fit? Nicks Grinder's Mate will solve those problems! SORRY OUT OF STOCK
- Outstanding Value Diamond Grinder Heads from £19.35 for a pack of 2 - 1/8", 1/4", 3/4" and 1" in stock NOW.
We also carry the Jewellry Bit as well as the Ripple bit. Ask for details.
- Band Saws - We stock the Inland DB-100 and or can order other makes/models for you.
- Stained Glass, Lead Came, Copper Foil Tape and all other Materials.
- We are now stocking the MORTON GLASS WORKING SYSTEM. Call in to the shop for a demo!
- Gluechipping Kits - decorate your clear or coloured glass with a gluechipped motif or border.
- Tools - from Soldering Irons, Glass Cutters and Foiling Machines to Lathekins and Horseshoe Nails.
- Bottlechoppers - recycle all your bottles into candle holders, vases and so much more!
- Fused Glass - Sam has been fusing for 20 years or so, and we can advise the enthusiast on kiln purchase and use and the techniques of fusing and slumping to produce decorative pieces. We carry Bullseye and Desag fusing compatible glass as well as the Spectrum Waterglasses and Cathedrals which are 'fairly' fusing compatible.
- Instruction Books and Pattern Books (over 100 titles to choose from), We also have in stock a variety of good books on kilnworking including fusing, slumping, casting and painting
- Want to make planters & terrariums but don't know how? - Elizabeth's book gives step by step instructions and full size patterns for a bakers dozen of planters.
- Having problems designing and drawing up your stained glass patterns? Dragonfly Software is an easy-to-use answer to your problems. Download a 30 day FREE trial from Dragonfly Software including the step-by-step tutorials today!
Not able to visit the shop? Send us a stamped SAE for a price list. Though we are a retail shop rather than a mailorder concern we are happy to post most items - except for glass (which is better handpicked) and some heavy items (where postage can cost more than retail prices).
Shop Address, hours, location contact information
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© 1997 Bournemouth Stained Glass. All rights reserved
Last updated on : 24th April, 2013
Webmaster : Elizabeth E Law (contact at : elizabeth@stainedglass.co.uk )